"Oh goodness, Vicki...I'm so nervous...I wonder if our visitors are going to want to sign our guestbook and vote for us?!  
Oh no, now something else to worry about...our counter has gone wild!?!"
Welcomes You Anytime!

Hello everyone!
I hope you are enjoying your visit here in
My Music Attic! 
I initially planned to build a site primarily of Motown Midis, but before
I even began construction, I decided that I wanted my Attic to be filled with other music styles, as well. 
My mind often wandered back to my high school days....
The Sixties
and of course to the early years of our married life.....
The Seventies. 
I could hardly wait to start adding music from these very special years gone by to my site!
I graduated from high school in 1968, started college,
then my husband and I were married July 26, 1969.
As the phrase goes.....
"Those Were The Days". 
Years we'll never forget.....lots n lots of
fun.....loads of gr8 music.....so many fond memories.  We certainly have enjoyed our life together since then but there's just something special about looking back on "the early years".
I hope you are having a good time as you stroll through my Attic, listening to the music. 
Oh, by the way.....if you haven't signed my guestbook yet, I will appreciate it if you will please take just a minute to let me know that you dropped by!
Thank you!
When you must leave, remember.....
Please come again soon! 
I'm very pleased to have you as my guest!
(and Felix, the cat)
Tighter, Tighter